• Regional grant
  • Closed on October 31, 2023

Regional call for proposals: 6th cycle

Launch date

October 2, 2023

Deadline for submission of concept notes

October 31, 2023

Type of funding

Core and Project Funding

Range of grants

Budget between $5,000 and $20,000 per year

Grant Timeline

6 months (minimum) to 24 months (maximum)



ISDAO has a flexible approach to grantmaking and is building a culture of philanthropy committed to issues of equality and social justice.

We stand for the following values:

  • Equitable representation of the LGBTQI community.
  • Building and strengthening ideologically principled movements, based on a recognition of unequal power relations.
  • Autonomy, inclusion, diversity, and intersectionality, allowing for self-determination at all levels.

ISDAO offers flexible grants to support the overall coordination, operations, and strengthening of groups, organizations, or networks.

The grant can be used to support initiatives such as organization development (registration fees, drafting of standard and strategic documents, staff recruitment, etc.), advocacy, capacity building, membership meetings, networking events, participation in strategic conferences, programs, projects and any other areas of interest contributing to a West Africa free of violence, stigma and discrimination towards LGBTQI communities.

Eligibility Criteria

ISDAO grants are currently awarded to organizations, networks and groups that:

  • Are led by lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, intersex and trans* (LGBTQI) people. ISDAO considers a group to be "LGBTQI-led" when LGBTQI people are in decision-making positions, including setting the organization's strategic and financial priorities and representing at least 75% of staff, spokespersons, and board members or other decision-making bodies;
  • Are based in at least one of the current ISDAO focal countries, namely: Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, Liberia, Mali, Nigeria, Senegal or Togo.
  • Are dedicated to improving the lives of LGBTQI people at the local, state or national level.
  • Are committed to engaging and strengthening the movement to promote the human rights and inclusion of LGBTQI people.
  • Are open to collaborating with other LGBTQI organizations and allies and willing to share their experiences to strengthen the LGBTQI rights movement.

Please read the checklist carefully to assess your eligibility for the regional ISDAO grant.

Eligibility check

Please complete the eligibility check below to determine if you are eligible to apply for a grant from ISDAO.

  1. Are you a community group/organization? Yes/No
  2. Does your group/organization work in one of ISDAO 's focal countries in West Africa (Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, Liberia, Mali, Nigeria, Senegal, and Togo)? Yes/No
  3. Is your group/organization LGBTQI-led? Yes/No
  4. Does your proposal/project benefit LGBTQI people? Yes/No

If you answered YES to all the above questions, you are eligible to apply.

If you answered NO to at least one of the above questions, you are not eligible for a regional grant from ISDAO.

List of documents to submit

For all candidates:

  • Any text governing your group or organization, including your vision and mission.
  • Detailed grant budget.
  • Most recent annual report [if available].
  • Organogram or organizational chart of your group/organization [if available].
  • The current strategic plan [if available].
  • The administrative, financial and accounting procedure manual [if available].
  • The human resources manual/policy [if available].

For applicants requesting to receive funds directly, not through a fiscal host:

  • Certificate of registration of the grant applicant [if available].
  • Most recent audit report [if available].
  • The administrative, financial and accounting procedure manual [if available].
  • The human resources manual/policy [if available].

For applicants who are fiscally hosted and will receive their funding through another organization:

  • Fiscal Host Agreement between your group or organization and your fiscal host, if available at the time of application submission. If not available, please note that we will require it if your proposal is approved for funding.
  • Certificate of registration of the fiscal host
  • The most recent audit report from the fiscal host [if available].
  • The administrative, financial and accounting procedure manual [if available].

Please note that all information you share in your application will be kept secure and confidential. Application files and application information are not shared outside ISDAO. This information is only accessible to ISDAO staff, ISDAO's fiscal host, translators, Activist Grant Making Panel (AGMP) members, and the Interim Governing Body members.

If you have any questions or concerns about the confidentiality or security of the information you provide, please contact ISDAO at info@isdao.org.

If you have any questions about how to complete this application, please consult our Guidelines and Frequently Asked Questions first. If you still have questions afterwards, please send an e-mail to info@isdao.org, and we'll do our best to get back to you as soon as possible.

For an overview of our grantmaking process, please visit this page.

We wish you good luck with your application!


Our process

for the awarding of grants

step 1

Open Call for Proposals

ISDAO's regional calls for proposals are opened in October of each year. A deadline of four (4) weeks will be provided for groups/organizations to submit proposals

step 2

Submission of proposals

Proposals are submitted in English or French by email to proposals@isdao.org by groups/organizations led by lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and/or intersex people from ISDAO's 9 focal countries (Benin, Burkina Faso, Cote d'Ivoire, Ghana, Liberia, Mali, Nigeria, Senegal, Togo)

step 3

Close of the call for proposals

Proposals will not be accepted after the deadline for submission of proposals

Step 4

Preliminary analysis of proposals

Proposals are analyzed to confirm that they comply with ISDAO's guidelines and criteria

step 5

Virtual review by the AGMP

Proposals are reviewed and processed by the Activist Grant Making Panel (AGMP) from ISDAO's focal countries

step 6

AGMP review meeting

AGMP members meet to discuss applications. During this meeting, the AGMP discusses the regional context and needs within the movement and identifies priorities for grantmaking. No member can influence a vote in plenary. AGMP members are bound by conflict of interest and confidentiality agreements. Decisions are made by vote, discussion, and collectively by the entire panel.

Step 7

Review of AGMP decisions

ISDAO's Interim Governance Body validates the AGMP recommended proposals

step 8

Notification to groups/organizations

Applicant groups/organizations receive notifications of decisions made on their proposals

Step 9

Visits to pre-approved groups/organizations and final decisions

Visits and/or meetings with groups/organizations to be funded prior to signing contracts and/or agreements

Step 10

Transfer of resources

Transfer of resources to the accounts of the funded groups/partners or their fiscal hosts


to submit a grant application

Please complete all fields of the application form and include the requested details. Incomplete applications will not be processed and will be rejected.

Application form: Applications must be submitted with the 2023 application form fromISDAO. There are two application forms available on our website, please look carefully and download the one that applies to you. If you are applying for core funding and project funding, please download the corresponding form. If you are applying for core funding only, please download the corresponding form. Applications submitted using other forms or the oldISDAO proposal template will not be considered.

Applicant details: All communication about applications is done via email. Please ensure that your contact details are spelt correctly, most significantly, your email addresses. An incorrect email address delays the process of communicating with you about your application.

References: Letters of reference must be submitted with the proposal. Any proposal submitted without both letters of reference will be considered incomplete and will not be eligible for consideration.

Grant process: We currently only accept requests for proposals submitted by e-mail, accompanied by supporting documents. Once we receive an application, our team verifies that the group or organization and the application meet all submission requirements. All proposals are reviewed to ensure they meet all requirements before being submitted for consideration and decision. Only eligible and fully completed proposals are submitted for review. Final decisions on eligible proposals submitted during the open call are made by the Grant Activist Panel (AGMP). If an application is approved for funding by AGMP, theISDAO team will communicate this to the group or organization and initiate the necessary due diligence, grant agreement and disbursement process.

Please note that this process can take up to five months from submission, but we will keep you informed of the status of your application once it has been finalized.

To submit your proposal, please complete the application form and email it to proposals@isdao.org no later than 23:59 GMT on October 31, 2023.

Please be sure to submit the proposal form, budget and other supporting documents in a single e-mail.

NOTE: ISDAO can award grants to both unregistered and registered groups/organizations. Your registration status is not a requirement for ISDAO funding.

To submit your

Concept note

Application for Core and Project Funding


Application for core funding only


Budget Template


Budgeting Guidelines

icon-mail Attach all the documents in one email and send it to proposals@isdao.org
icon-date Before October 31, 2023

We wish you good luck with your application!

Do you have any questions?

Please read our "Frequently Asked Questions" by clicking the link below

Frequently Asked Questions